About GridZone.io
Market Stats
Market Cap
No data
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Circulating Supply
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Max Supply
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Total Supply
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Hold Time
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Volume (24H)
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All time high
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Additional info about GridZone.io
Networks and details
The price of GridZone.io has increased by 100.00% in the last hour and increased by 100.00% in the past 24 hours. GridZone.io’s price has also risen by 100.00% in the past week.
Price history
Today | $0.00 | NaN% |
1 Day | $0.00 | ↗ 100.00% |
1 Week | $0.00 | ↗ 100.00% |
1 Month | $0.00 | ↗ 100.00% |
1 Year | $0.00 | ↗ 100.00% |
Market details
Performance against other markets | Not enough data |
Performance against BTC | Not enough data |
Performance against ETH | Not enough data |
Performance in the past year | Not enough data |
GridZone.io is an art-focused metaverse platform developed on the Ethereum blockchain. GridZone is a place for users to connect, interact, play, create, and participate to have a societal impact. The platform provides a gamified social experience to users with their unique digital identities and interactive 3D NFT art on the platform.
GridZone is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO), governed and managed by a community of authorized people. This community acts like a single entity defined by programming codes called smart contracts that are transparent and are not controlled by any central authority. All agreements are executed in an open-source self-enforced majority consensus.
Each participant on the platform is represented by an NYM, a shortened form of pseudonym. These NYMs are the digital DNAs of the community members. Each NYM is a Non-Fungible Token (NFT), the true transformation of the person with its digital DNA into a binary world. The NYM NFTs are stored on the Ethereum blockchain.
These digital identities cannot be duplicated, and users have complete ownership. The identity verification is done from the user's Ethereum wallet through a cryptographic signature that ensures and authenticates the ownership of the digital asset. These NYMs on the platform can connect and build communities or establish businesses.
NYMs can express their creative abilities and imagination by creating a series of unique collectibles (3D NFTs) on the platform. These NFTs can be minted and traded on the GridZone marketplace. There is a profile page, 'NYM HUD' on the GridZone platform that displays the social characteristics of each NYM and the personal data associated with a specific NYM that each generates on the platform. NYM HUD also provides access to many features available to NYMs on the platform. These personal details can help NYMs better connect with communities and establish businesses.
GridZone also has a non-custodial payment service called NYM-Pay. NYM-Pay enables direct transfer of digital assets to other NYMs using the Ethereum wallets. GridZone also has a messaging app for instant messaging and can be used on Android and IOS mobile devices.
ZONE is the native token of the GridZone platform. ZONE is a utility and a governance token empowering the token holders to govern the platform by having a voice not only about the main decisions but also in deciding how GridZone spends its resources.
The maximum supply of ZONE is 28,000,000 tokens.
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