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About G999

G999 is a peer-to-peer electronic cash system that aims to become a global currency with quick payments, minimal fees, and high transaction capacity. It is a decentralized cryptocurrency that doesn't require any trusted third parties or central banks. G999 transactions are sent directly from one person to another, similar to physical money. The system combines the scarcity of gold with the spendable nature of cash. G999 is also a technology that allows individuals and companies to make instantaneous transactions on a network without any intermediaries.

G999 operates on a blockchain technology that enables individuals and companies to make instantaneous transactions on a network without any middlemen. Each transaction is signed with a private key and can be further verified with a public key. If transaction data changes, the signature becomes invalid, and the block is ignored, ensuring that it won't make it to the chain. This aims to make G999 resistant to attacks and difficult to hack. The blockchain's greatest characteristic is its ability to carry encrypted hex strings, enabling encrypted communication services over the blockchain.

G999 aims to provide a platform for secure, private, and encrypted transactions and communications. It enables untraceable transactions and anonymous communication. G999 can be used for making secure, privacy-first transactions without compromising on speed. It also provides a platform for encrypted communication services like voice, chat, and email on a decentralized blockchain. This means that no single party would have control over users' accounts and their messages, keeping them free from prying eyes. G999 also provides a staking wallet that enables users to hold private keys, secure or stake G999, and conduct peer-to-peer transactions.

G999 was introduced with the aim of becoming a sound global money system with quick payments, minimal fees, and high transaction capacity. It was designed to be a decentralized cryptocurrency that doesn't depend on monetary middlemen such as banks and payment processors. Over time, G999 has evolved to offer a range of services including encrypted communication systems over its blockchain, providing a new private and secure method of interacting with the internet. It has also introduced a deflationary coin model, where more coins are burned than issued every 60 seconds, with the intention to reduce G999 coins in the market over time through the usage of the network and ecosystem services.

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Market stats

Data is sourced from third parties. We make no representation on the accuracy of the data provided. Learn more

Market cap

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Volume (24h)

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Circulating supply

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All time high

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Market performance

Price change (1h)


Price change (1d)


Price change (1w)


Price change (2w)

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Price change (1m)


Price change (1y)


Market benchmarks

Performance (1Y)

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Vs. Market (1Y)

Not enough data

Vs. BTC (1Y)

Not enough data

Vs. ETH (1Y)

Not enough data

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G999 is on the rise this week.

The price of G999 has increased by 100.00% in the last hour and increased by 100.00% in the past 24 hours. G999’s price has also risen by 100.00% in the past week.


What is the current price of G999?

We update our G999 to USD currency in real-time. Get the live price of G999 on Coinbase.

What other assets are similar to G999?

Assets that have a similar market cap to G999 include Plutonians, Fufu Token, FairERC20, and many others. To see a full list, see our comparable market cap assets.