About Artex
Market Stats
Market Cap
No data
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Circulating Supply
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Max Supply
No data
Total Supply
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Hold Time
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No data
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Volume (24H)
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Networks and details
The price of Artex has increased by 100.00% in the last hour and increased by 100.00% in the past 24 hours. Artex’s price has also risen by 100.00% in the past week.
Price history
Today | $0.00 | NaN% |
1 Day | $0.00 | ↗ 100.00% |
1 Week | $0.00 | ↗ 100.00% |
1 Month | $0.00 | ↗ 100.00% |
1 Year | $0.00 | ↗ 100.00% |
Market details
Performance against other markets | Not enough data |
Performance against BTC | Not enough data |
Performance against ETH | Not enough data |
Performance in the past year | Not enough data |
Artex (ARTEX) is a cryptocurrency platform that aims to offer an art piece exchange on the blockchain. The platform primarily seeks to aid the funding and trading of fine artworks. Acquiring fine arts is only a privilege to a few lucky ones. However, Artex (ARTEX) envisions making participation in artworks a simple affair for all interested individuals. Artworks like paintings and sculptures are protected via insurance, based on the pricing finalized by the art experts, and are tokenized on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). Tokenization refers to the process of converting sensitive data into equally valuable tokens.
Consumers usually acquire artworks by directly purchasing the piece or at auctions. Artists lack the necessary marketing skills, which is why galleries and collectors come into play. Preserving the art pieces is a labor-intensive and expensive procedure too. Hence, the trading of artworks is mostly pricey. Thus, Artex (ARTEX) wishes to introduce democracy in the funding of artworks. The platform encourages art galleries, collectors, and artists to list their fine art pieces on Artex (ARTEX). The artworks are evaluated by members of an artifact valuation commission, including leading curators and fine art academicians from across the world, to determine the work's financial value. Once listed, the platform allows users to trade using the Artex (ARTEX) cryptocurrency tokens or traditional currencies.
ARTEX is the native digital token of the platform. The token seeks to function as a reliable and secure payment option for the participants in the decentralized Artex (ARTEX) platform. ARTEX aims to provide token holders with generous economic incentives. Once the platform is entirely operational, users can utilize the tokens in the pre-sale events for the art pieces. The token aims to lower the commission charges in the future and provide users with exclusive perks like shopping benefits and opportunities to participate in international fairs, exhibitions, and more. The platform seeks to introduce the token as a primary digital currency of Artex, encouraging users to utilize ARTEX in all possible ways. For example, users can clear platform charges or transaction costs using the token or participate in the auctions or bidding of fine art pieces.
The total supply of Artex (ARTEX) is one hundred million ARTEX. Also, the whitepaper of Artex (ARTEX) was published on May 15, 2021.
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