Earn APY on your crypto.
Put your crypto to work and earn rewards.
APYs are indicative and not guaranteed and may vary over time. Learn more about APY calculations
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All assets
146 assets
Asset | Est. Reward Rate | Staking Market Cap | Action |
Ethereum ETH | £89.0B | ||
Solana SOL | £46.0B | ||
Cardano ADA | £14.9B | ||
Avalanche AVAX | £6.0B | ||
Polkadot DOT | £4.3B | ||
Polygon MATIC | £245.1M | ||
Cosmos ATOM | £976.2M | ||
SUI SUI | £8.1B |
APYs are indicative and not guaranteed and may vary over time. Learn more about APY calculations
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results. Learn more about asset risks
This data was sourced in real-time from Coinbase and other third party market vendors. Real-time data may encounter temporary delays due to system performance or downtime.
The rewards rate is based on the estimated protocol rate, which is subject to change. Customers will be able to see the latest applicable rates directly within their accounts. Enrollment in staking is available only in eligible jurisdictions and for eligible networks. Any rewards earned in unstaked form will be automatically restaked. You can request to unstake anytime, but you will not be able to sell or send your staked assets until the unstaking process is complete. This could take from a few minutes to several weeks, depending on the asset.
Put your crypto to work
We'll help you put your assets to work in the cryptoeconomy so you can grow your crypto holdings with little effort.
Start earning with a couple of clicks. You can earn on as little as £1. Learn more about how staking works at our help center, and educate yourself on protocol related risks.
We take measures to mitigate risks and allow you to opt-out anytime. Some protocols may require you to wait until unstaking is complete to transfer or sell your assets.¹
View, manage, and discover assets that earn rewards all from the Earn center. You can choose from multiple assets.
¹ If enabled, you will begin earning rewards once you purchase the minimum balance of the asset. You can request to unstake anytime, no lock up periods imposed by Coinbase. But you may have to wait until the unstaking process is completed by the network before you can transfer or sell your asset. For more information, see the help center.
Frequently asked questions
How does staking work?
Which Proof of Stake asset(s) earn staking rewards?
Who is eligible to stake on Coinbase?
How does ETH staking work?
What are the risks associated with staking?
How do I transfer my crypto to Coinbase to earn rewards?
Is there a fee associated with these services?
Don’t have a Coinbase account?
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