Convert and swap Safe SAFE to Tether USDT
SAFE/USDT: 1 Safe equals 0.72 USDT
Last update: 5:02 AM, February 2, 2025
Safe market latest
Safe is falling this week.
The current SAFE to USDT conversion rate is 0.72. Inversely, this means that if you convert 1 USDT you will get 1.4 SAFE.
The conversion rate of SAFE/USDT has increased by 0.81% in the last hour and shrunk by 12.32% in the last 24 hours.
Tether is climbing this week.
The current USDT to SAFE conversion rate is 1.4. Inversely, this means that if you convert 1 SAFE you will get 0.72 USDT.
The conversion rate of USDT/SAFE has decreased by 0.81% in the last hour and grown by 12.32% in the last 24 hours.
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About Safe
Safe provides developers with an open-source and modular account abstraction stack. Safe also functions as a multi-sig wallet service provider to users and organizations. These wallets require permissions from multiple stakeholders to approve transactions from the address. Safe supports multi-sig wallets on several EVM networks, including Ethereum, Arbitrum, and Base. SAFE is the governance token of the SafeDAO. SAFE tokens can be used to vote on proposals related to Safe’s development.
About Tether
Tether (USDT) is an Ethereum token that is pegged to the value of a U.S. dollar (also known as a stablecoin). Tether’s issuer claims that USDT is backed by bank reserves and loans which match or exceed the value of USDT in circulation. Important note: at this time, Coinbase only supports USDT on the Ethereum blockchain (ERC-20). Do not send USDT on any other blockchain to Coinbase.